Metabolic health has become a paramount concern for individuals, as it takes center stage in our daily routines, particularly when striving to augment both longevity and the overall quality of life.

We've developed Prime Metabolic Health as a comprehensive solution to these goals. Our objective is to provide high-end diagnostic and monitoring services, placing particular emphasis on preventing cardiovascular disease.

As the head of this department, my main objective is to apply our method to this specific branch of health, with detailed and serial assessments, and rigorous interventions tailored to the needs of each individual.

There is the possibility of continuous monitoring of our clients through monitoring technologies, elevating to a higher level the capacity to influence the areas in which our company specializes and which have a direct impact on the metabolic health and cardiovascular disease prevention of each individual, namely insulin resistance assessment, sleep, nutrition, physical activity, among others.

With this objective, we offer 2 types of plans so that each client can choose the option that interests them the most.

João Pedro Neto, MD

  • *appointment-based plan

    Longitudinal and personalised evaluation and intervention, with scheduled appointments

    *possibility to extend monitoring for the desired time by the client

    *option to cancel at any time

    • Quarterly appointments (5 appointments within a year)

    • Pre-appointment assessment

      • Doctor- Patient One-on-one

      • Individual health questionnaire

      • Pre-analytical assessment

    • Specialized diagnostic exams prescription tailored to each client's needs throughout the entire period (*exams’ value not included)

    • Educational material related to all intervention areas

    • Individual reports after each appointment

  • *monthly subscription plan

    Personalized monitoring with the most accurate wearables, weekly feedback and continuous access to medical advise

    *possibility to extend monitoring for the desired time by the client

    *option to cancel at any time

    • Quarterly appointments (5 appointments within a year)

    • Pre-appointment assessment

      • Doctor- Patient One-on-one

      • Individual health questionnaire

      • Pre-analytical assessment

    • Specialized diagnostic exams prescription tailored to each client's needs throughout the entire period (exams’ value not included)

    • Educational material related to all intervention areas

    • Individual reports after each appointment

    • High tech wearables (included)

      • Constant general health monitoring

      • Continuous glucose monitoring

    • Weekly personalised feedback reports

    • Weekly Q&A with a doctor


Prime Metabolic Health